This page describes the WP ontology for WikiPathways (
). Make sure to visit our homepage!
This ontology is written by (in random order) Andra Waagmeester, Alexander Pico, Martina Kutmon, Susan Coort, Anwesha Bohler, Egon Willighagen, and Ryan Miller.
@prefix wp: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix xsd:<> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix skos: <> . @prefix dcterms: <> . @prefix obo: <> .
A binding interaction between two physical entities resulting in the formation of an explicit complex that is reversible without an external factor (e.g. protein complexes). Subclass of wp:DirectedInteraction.
A process where a chemical reaction is enhanced by the action of a catalyst.
Subclass of wp:DirectedInteraction.A physically bound combination of two or more biological entities.
A Complex of compounds. Subclass of wp:DataNode.
A binding interaction that specifically leads to the formation of a complex.
Subclass of wp:Binding.
A process in which a biological entity gets converted into another entity. This could be a metabolic conversion where compound gets chemical modified.
Subclass of wp:DirectedInteraction.
Superclass; deprecated; do not use.
Defines a biochemical relationship from a source biological entity to a target biological entity.
Subclass of wp:Interaction.
An entity representing any product of a given gene, including DNA, RNA and Protein. This is the most generic representation of a gene-based biomolecule and is useful when more than one representation might be useful in the given context.
Subclass of wp:DataNode. The BioPax class biopax:Dna is a subclass of wp:GeneProduct. The BioPax class biopax:Gene is a subclass of wp:GeneProduct. The BioPax class biopax:Rna is a subclass of wp:GeneProduct. The BioPax class biopax:Protein is a subclass of wp:GeneProduct.
A process in which one biological entity restrains, blocks, or suppresses another biological entity or interaction.
Subclass of wp:DirectedInteraction.
Defines the biochemical relationship between biological entities.
Any chemical compound taking part in a pathway. Unlike true metabolites, this node is also used for chemical compounds which are not the product or substrate of a metabolic conversion.
Subclass of wp:DataNode.
A biological process representing a set of interactions and relationships among genes, proteins, metabolites, and other factors in the context of cellular compartments, tissues and organisms.
A biomolecular polymer of amino acids, translated from mRNA.
Subclass of wp:GeneProduct.
A reference to a published article, book or other citable material. Most commonly a primary literature reference that is indexed by PubMed.
A biomolecular polymer of ribonucleic acids, transcibed from DNA.
Subclass of wp:DataNode.
An interaction in which the source entity enhances the raate or extent of another reaction or entity.
Subclass of wp:DirectedInteraction.
An interaction in which the source entity regulates or influences in the transcription or translation of a target entity. Also referred to as a Template Reaction.
Subclass of wp:DirectedInteraction.
A process in which a biological entity moves from one cellular location to another.
Subclass of wp:DirectedInteraction.
A variable URL to the ChEBI data source.
This property has wp:Metabolite as domain and rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the Chemspider data source.
This property has wp:Metabolite as domain and rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the Ensembl data source.
This property has rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the NCBI Gene data source.
This property has rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) data source.
This property has wp:Metabolite as domain and rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) data source.
This property has rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the PubChem data source (Compound identifiers).
This property has wp:Metabolite as domain and rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the Rhea data source.
This property has rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the UniProt data source.
This property has rdfs:Resource as range.
A variable URL to the Wikidata data source.
This property has rdfs:Resource as range.
A term from the Cell Type ontology available on the NCBO's BioPortal (
This property has wp:Pathway as domain, rdfs:Resource as range, and is subproperty of wp:ontologyTag.
A term from the Human Disease Ontology available on the NCBO's BioPortal (
This property has wp:Pathway as domain, rdfs:Resource as range, and is subproperty of wp:ontologyTag.
A term from the Pathway Ontology ontology available at NCBO's BioPortal (
This property has wp:Pathway as domain, rdfs:Resource as range, and is subproperty of wp:ontologyTag.
The beginning terminus of an interaction.
This property has wp:DirectedInteraction as domain and wp:DataNode as range and is subproperty of wp:participants.
The ending terminus of an interaction.
This property has wp:DirectedInteraction as domain and is subproperty of wp:participants.
A term from an ontology or controlled vocabulary.
This property has wp:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
It is the link between the biological entity and the gpml entity. Used in cases of interactions, complexes and groups.
The scientific name (e.g., Homo sapiens) of the species being described by the pathway.
This property has wp:Pathway as domain and rdfs:Class as range. The property biopax:organism is a subproperty of wp:organism.
Latin name of the organsm in which this pathway takes place.
This property has wp:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
The conversion of wp#foo to index.html#foo is done with .htaccess and a RewriteRule. The source code is available from the WpVocabularies repository at GitHub. The OWL ontology can be downloaded here.