The maintainer of the pathway. Currently not used in WP.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
This page describes the GPML ontology for WikiPathways (
). Make sure to visit our homepage!
@prefix gpml: <> . @prefix biopax: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix xsd:<> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix skos: <> . @prefix obo: <> .
A connection point on a graphical line or an interaction, where another graphical line or interaction can be connected.
Element used to specify key/value paired information for a given object.
Element used to embed Biopax (namespace: content in a GPML document.
Elements used to provide descriptions and arbitrary notes for a given object.
Denotes a biological entity that forms a node in a pathway and has some biological meaning associated with it. For a list of the gpml:DataNode types supported at WikiPathways, see subclasses of wp:DataNode or the wpTypes vocabulary defined for use in applications.
A visual annotation, often used to partition space or connect other annotation, e.g., Shapes. An Xref can not be specified for GraphicalLines (in contrast to Interactions).
Currently just a placeholder -- not used.
A collection of structurally or functionally similar or related pathway elements.
Defines the biochemical relationship between DataNodes or with Anchors on other Interactions. An Xref can be specified for Interactions (in contrast to GraphicalLines).
A text field which can be used to annotate any aspect of a pathway.
An explanatory list of the colors used for visualizing data on the pathway. Not currently used.
A graph diagram representing a biological process as a set of interactions and relationships among genes, proteins, metabolites, and other factors in the context of cellular compartments, tissues and organisms.
A location in 2-dimensional space defined by x and y coordinates.
Deprecated: Not in use.
Shape can refer to two different things in GPML, both of which are associated with graphical elements.
A particular condition, mode or modification of an entity, e.g., phosphorylated, activated, mutated, SNP, etc.
Reference to a database entry that matches the node in the pathway. It is a combination of an identifier of the entity and an identifier of the database in which the entity is found.
Boolean property for the existence of an Anchor on a given line or interaction.
This property has gpml:GraphicalLine and gpml:Interaction as domain and gpml:Anchor as range.
Boolean property for the existence of an Attribute class associated with a given object.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Group, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Pathway, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and gpml:Attribute as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a BioPax class associated with a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:Biopax as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a Comment class associated with a given object.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Group, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Pathway, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and gpml:Comment as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a DataNode in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:DataNode as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a GraphicalLine in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:GraphicalLine as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a Group in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:Group as range.
Boolean property for the existence of an InfroBox in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:InfoBox as range.
Boolean property for the existence of an Interaction in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:Interaction as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a Label in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:Label as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a Legend in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:Legend as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a Point in a given line or interaction.
This property has gpml:GraphicalLine and gpml:Interaction as domain and gpml:Point as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a PublicationXref associated with a given object.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Group, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Pathway, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and gpml:PublicationXref as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a Shape in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:Shape as range.
Boolean property for the existence of a State in a given pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and gpml:State as range.
Boolean property for the existence of an Xref associated with a given object.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Interaction, and gpml:State as domain and gpml:Xref as range.
Horizontal alignment of displayed text, e.g., Left, Center, Right.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label, and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
Specifies the glyph at the ends of lines and interactions.
This property has gpml:Point as domain and xsd:string as range.
Reuse of references defined by BioPAX.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Group, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Pathway, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
Refers to a biopax:PublicationXref.
Range minimum is zero.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:float as range.
Range minimum is zero.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:float as range.
Middle of a pathway element in the x-direction.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:InfoBox, gpml:Label, gpml:Legend, and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:float as range.
Middle of a pathway element in the y-direction.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:InfoBox, gpml:Label, gpml:Legend, and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:float as range.
The color to be used for visualization.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Label, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:hexBinary as range.
Specifies a set of rules to govern layout of Graphical Lines and Interactions. PathVisio (Java): Line Type and GPML: ConnectorType
This property has gpml:GraphicalLine and gpml:Interaction as domain and xsd:string as range.
Deprecated: Not in use.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
Specifies the datasource for the identifier provided as an Xref. Equivalent to conventional name .
This property has gpml:Xref as domain and xsd:string as range.
Equivalent to BridgeDb:DataSource.
Deprecated: An electronic mail address. Used to reference the author or maintainer of a pathway prior to WikiPathways.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
The hexidecimal color value used to paint the area of an object, not including its border.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:hexBinary as range.
Deprecated: Not in use.
This property has gpml:Label and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
The name of the set of printable text characters to be used for visualization.
This property has gpml:Label and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
The point value for the size of the font.
This property has gpml:Label and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:nonNegativeInteger as range.
Deprecated: Not in use.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
The typographic style or font face applied to displayed text, e.g., Arial.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
Thickness of the font used, e.g a bold font would have more weight. Used for DataNodes, Labels and Shapes.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
A GraphId is a unique (per Pathway) identifier for a pathway element, such as DataNode, Interaction, GraphicalLine, Label, Point, Group, Shape, State and Anchor.
This property has gpml:Anchor, gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Group, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Point, gpml:Shape and gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
A GraphRef indicates a "depends on" or child/parent relationship between two Pathway elements. The element with the GraphRef is the child, and the element referred to by the GraphRef is the parent. The parent's GraphId will be specified by the child's GraphRef.
This property has gpml:Point and gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
Uniquely identifies a gpml:Group in a gpml:Pathway.
This property has gpml:Group as domain and xsd:string as range.
A GroupRef indicates that its element is part of the gpml:Group with the specified GroupId. DataNode, GraphicalLine, Group, Interaction, Label and Shape can be part of a group.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Group, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
The pixel value for the y-dimensional length of a given object.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:float as range.
The hyperlink optionally specified in a Label.
This property has gpml:Label as domain and xsd:string as range.
The identifier of a PublicationXref or Xref object.
This property has gpml:PublicationXref and gpml:Xref as domain and xsd:string as range.
Equivalent to biopax:id.
Key of the key/value pair in the Attribute class.
This property has gpml:Attribute as domain and xsd:string as range.
The date of the last modification of the pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
The license of a pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
The visual appearance of a line or border, e.g., Solid or Broken.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
The pixel value for the width of a given line, interaction or border.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
The maintainer of the pathway. Currently not used in WP.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
The name of a pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
The scientific name (e.g., Homo sapiens) of the species being described by the pathway.
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
Proportional distance of an anchor along the line it belongs to, between 0 and 1.
This property has gpml:Anchor as domain and xsd:float as range.
RelX is the x-coordinate used when a point or state is linked to a another object - relative coordinate to the object that it is linked to (0,0 - center, 1,1 - bottom-right).
This property has gpml:Point and gpml:State as domain and xsd:float as range.
RelY is the y-coordinate used when a point or state is linked to a another object - relative coordinate to the object that it is linked to (0,0 - center, 1,1 - bottom-right).
This property has gpml:Point and gpml:State as domain and xsd:float as range.
The degree value of angular offset relative to the center of a given object.
This property has gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:float as range.
The visual representation of an anchor, e.g., Circle or None.
This property has gpml:Anchor as domain and xsd:string as range.
Currently: Specifies the glyph (graphical representation) to use for GPML elements (DataNode, Label, Shape, State). Proposed: Expand it to also describe Anchors. It should replace the term currently used to specify the graphical representation of an Anchor. The current term is "Shape," which conflicts with the GPML element named "Shape." See details for term "Shape."
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
The author, reference or category of a comment. Used to help parse pathway-level comments, e.g., the descriptions displayed at are comments with source="WikiPathways-description".
This property has gpml:Comment as domain and xsd:string as range.
A free text field to describe the nature or category of a given state.
This property has gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
The type of Group, e.g., Complex.
This property has gpml:Group as domain and xsd:string as range.
TextLabel of an object (DataNode, Group, Label, Shape, State).
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Group, gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:string as range.
Specifies the type of an object (DataNode, GraphicalLine, Interaction).
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, and gpml:Interaction as domain and xsd:string as range.
Vertical alignment of displayed text, e.g., Top, Middle, Bottom.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:Label, and gpml:Shape as domain and xsd:string as range.
Value of the key/value pair in the Attribute class.
This property has gpml:Attribute as domain and xsd:string as range.
The version of a Pathway (currently not used in WP).
This property has gpml:Pathway as domain and xsd:string as range.
The pixel value for the x-dimensional length of a given object.
This property has gpml:DataNode,gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:float as range.
The x-coordinate of a point in the 2-dimensional plane in which a pathway is drawn.
This property has gpml:Point as domain and xsd:float as range.
The y-coordinate of a point in the 2-dimensional plane in which a pathway is drawn.
This property has gpml:Point as domain and xsd:float as range.
Indicates the zorder of the object in the pathway.
This property has gpml:DataNode, gpml:GraphicalLine, gpml:Interaction, gpml:Label, gpml:Shape, and gpml:State as domain and xsd:integer as range.
The conversion of gpml#foo to index.html#foo is done with .htaccess and a RewriteRule. The source code and contributor history are available from the WpVocabularies repository at GitHub. The original ontology was constructed by Andra Waagmeester, Martina Kutmon and Alexander Pico. The OWL ontology can be downloaded here.